Thursday, October 8, 2009

WebQuest thoughts

My WebQuest is going to be on the Immigration and Citizenship process; comparing the beginning of the 20th century and the 21st century. I still feel frustrated as I haven't been able to find the exact information of Citizenship requirements for 1900. I will continue searching this week and next week (if that's okay), as I think it is an important comparative for the two time periods.
Ellis Island was not the only point of entry, Angel Island was the Pacific coast equivalent. There seems to be much more negative history with Angel Island and since many of my present resources include New York City as part of the history examination, I would like to stick with the eastern side of the United States. If anyone thinks that this will detract or that the project would be incomplete without including Angel Island, please let me know.
I have been trying to come up with strong questions, and usually the best ones come to me at 3:30 AM, or thereabouts. Better start sleeping with a notepad next to the bed. The development of the lesson and thought provoking questions is something that I am not truly used to doing. This is quite a challenge.

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