Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Bloom Blog

I need to know Bloom, I need to embrace Bloom. Little did I know that Bloom was sneaking into my language and life so easily. I had to do a free-write for another class and discuss Knowledge vs. Understanding. I created an example of knowledge being the facts and understanding being the synthesis and analysis of the facts combined with things like past experience. It came down to a classic If..., Then....statement. (Knowledge: The stove is hot. Past experience: I don't like when I get burned. Analysis: If I touch the stove when it is hot, I may get burned and I won't like that. Synthesis: Therefore, don't touch the stove.) My discussion partner gleefully announced what a great job I did getting all those Bloom indicators in there. What? How did that happen? When did I start to incorporate Bloom into my life? Egads! Bloom, look out. I think I'm beginning to understand it.

Melissa 10/22/09

1 comment:

  1. I'm SO EXCITED to hear you talk about how Bloom's is taking over your life, hooray! His theory did the same thing for me when I first heard about it 30 years ago and I've used it ever since.
