Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Educational Philosophy

Just a start, but when people say they want community, they seem to only want those that are available all the time in the community. As a .40FTE and .60FTE Elementary Librarian, I get to see how much I don't get asked or included in the classroom research projects. In one school I am fairly new and the prior librarian did an excellent job of filling out the Non-fiction with all sorts of curricular support books. I definitely have the "I'm not worthy" feeling when I see how much she was able to accrue on things like American History, Medieval Times, and Farming. Being .6, I am on site three days. But the teachers there know where the books are and rarely need my help to attain any more information.They come, borrow books, and return them. At the .4 school, I am rarely asked anything by the faculty.They rarely borrow books for their classrooms and don't come to me prior to assigning research. Very Frustrating! But I'm only there two days a week, it's kinda outta site, outta mind. I also think that the larger the school faculty, the harder it is to maintain that sense of community.
The two emails I saw on the Reflective Teacher that really helped were: keep it simple:" It's not about me. " stated by E. Hveding, on April 18th, 2008 . And," Why do I teach? " posted by JK, on October 14th, 2008. These are the best responses I saw concerning personal educational philosophies and not loaded with language that constantly needs to be updated. Buzz words and popular lingo are very frustrating to get used to when they are constantly changing.

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