Sunday, November 29, 2009

Web 2.0 in the classroom

Most students can at this point put an adult to shame with their knowledge of navigation of the web. What better way to shock them into paying attention, but bringing out the the new technology. Students seem to want more work on the computer, not less. Every time I bring the library class to the computer room, their eyes light up and they want to know what we are doing today.
Of all the new bits of technology that we have investigated during the semester, I found the webquest the most satisfying. It was the very difficult to organize and feel comfortable with, but making me step out of my comfort zone was important. I had a teacher friend be very supportive and wishing I had followed her request to do a slightly different topic, but I'm doing something for my UVM class with her students to keep her happy.
I have used a wiki before, and looking around for eportfolio sites to make your own site really wouldn't be something I'd pass on to students, but to other educators. Librarians have to be able to support staff as well as students. (I truly dread having to teach my first inservice.) I know this class has impacted my sense of confidence to handle lots of different topics and questions that come my way.
Melissa S 11/29/09

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