Saturday, September 26, 2009

About the web

I am such a novice at the web stuff. Things like creating the web page really overwhelm me. Yes, I've wiki'd for other classes and even created a cybrary that's used by one of my schools. But there's something about the retention time of this knowledge that is different from memorizing chemistry, physics, and trig formulas. Is it because what we learn today, we have to update and relearn tomorrow? It seems that our knowledge of certain web skills become obsolete quickly and in order to be fully information literate we must be constantly active on the web. I can still recite Pythagoreum theorum and probably pull a few other things out of the cobwebs to help my kids with basic high school classes, but this computer stuff, whoa! I do want to be a goto teacher as I am a librarian, and the world of library is becoming more and more tech oriented.
I'm the only one in my family who doesn't Facebook, and maybe now I will get around to finding some old friends when I create a Facebook page. Wish me luck, because I need all that I can get.


1 comment:

  1. You are going to be such a "go-to" gal by the end of this class. You may have to work your fanny off to get there, but you know how the old saying goes: "if you don't use it you'll lose it". This especially is true for technology, you need to use it often to integrate the learning. Why you still know the Pythagorean Theorem I can't imagine. I can't even spell it w/o looking it up!
